We are delighted to inform you that your film "Coming Up" has been selected for the Tiburon International Film Festival to be held April 11-19, 2013. We congratulate you again and look forward to the screening of your film.
--- Tiburon International Film Festival

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Congratulations... The 2010 Burbank International Film Festival would like to congratulate you and thank you, your submitted film "TICKET" has been chosen to be part of our annaul Film Festival.
--- 2010 Burbank International Film Festival

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Your film "TICKET" is a creative look at a real life dilemma for many grad. students from other cultures. The technical quality and the music are excellent and the acting is strong and believable. The interview of potential mates had us laughing out loud.
--- Final Selection Committee, Rochester International Film Festival

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Congratulations, your film the "TICKET" is part of the Washington, DC Independent Film Festival Official Selection. We are proud to have you join the DCIFF family and look forward to welcoming you to our nation’s capitol between March 4 and 14th."
--- Carol Bidault de l'Isle, Executive Director & Founder, Washington DC Independent Film Festival

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"Congratulations!! This year is our 5th annual Kent Film Festival. This year only the best of the best get into the festival. Your film the "TICKET" fits into that category. I watch a lot of films and to see a film like yours reminds me of why I do what I do. Great job to you and your crew, definitely one of the highlights shorts films at this year's festival."
--- Frank Galterio, Founder/Director, Kent Film Festival

Congratulations! The directors of New Hope Film Festival have chosen to accept your film "TICKET" for this year’s event. With 268 submissions from around the globe, the competition to reach our final group was substantial, but we feel confident we’ve selected a truly world class collection. We’re truly honored to exhibit your film and we look forward to speaking with you personally over the coming months.
--- Doug Whipple, Chairman, New Hope Film Festival